by Philip Mckinney

When talking about your furry companions, you’ll want the best for their well-being. Setting up a rabbit hutch and ensuring the rabbit is provided with all they need is highly important for their general well-being, especially when they spend almost all the day in the cage while you’re out. Even though these animals are said to be relatively clean, they still need to clean their hutch regularly.

Rabbits, like other pets, cannot talk to you to relay their problems and needs in their housing. So, it would be best if you constructed their hutch to reach special requirements while maintaining good proper hygiene. Yes, we know that cleaning a rabbit’s hutch or cage might be stressful sometimes, but sticking to a schedule will help lessen the stress.

There currently aren’t set rules or times on how to clean your bunny’s cage, but little daily cleaning will make things much easier for you. Generally, you’re expected to clean your rabbit’s hutch or cage thoroughly at least once every two weeks. But at times, your rabbit’s cage may require deep cleaning. This depends on the cage’s size and how well your bunny is litter-trained. If you’re rearing more than one rabbit, you’ll have to clean more.

How Can I Clean My Rabbit Hutch Daily?

To keep your rabbit hutch all clean and fresh, you must carry out daily cleanings. Below are ways you can carry out daily rabbit hutch cleaning:

  • Get rid of any uneaten fresh foods from the cage. Do this twice daily: both morning and night.
  • Wash the food bowl daily.
  • With the use of a bottle brush, clean and refill the water bottle.
  • Spot clean smaller dirt like water spills and urine clumps outside the little box. After cleaning, cover these areas with beddings or fresh hay.
  • Clean the litter box, and add or change out the litter.
  • Use a bottle brush to wash the water bottle in the sink under a running faucet.


How To Clean Your Rabbit Hutch Weekly

  • Choose a day that will be much more convenient for you to spend more time cleaning your rabbit’s hutch. Generally, cleaning weekly includes:
  • Bring out all toys and accessories from the cage, after which you wash and scrub them with water and dish soap.
  • Remove and wash all fabric beddings from the cage, after which you’ll replace them with neat beddings.
  • Scrub the cage thoroughly with hot water and apply vinegar to remove stubborn urine deposits. If your rabbit’s hutch is not that big, you can take it aside and rinse it with water either in the bathtub or using a water hose outside.
  • After washing, consider disinfecting the cage. Mind you; any disinfectant used needs to be rinsed thoroughly. In addition, disinfectant cleaners aren’t a good choice for wood cages as the wood tends to soak up the chemicals if not sealed properly. Use a bleach solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water to disinfect the cage.
  • Let the cage and other items soak in the solution for 30 minutes, after which you rinse thoroughly.

How Can I Clean Rabbit Litter Boxes?

As stated earlier, rabbit litter boxes must be checked and cleaned daily. Aside from helping to keep your rabbit’s hutch clean, it’s also a good way to monitor your rabbit’s urine and feces output for changes. If any is noticed, it could signify a health issue with your pet and require immediate medical care.

The rate at which you clean or completely change your rabbit’s litter depends solely on the type and quantity of litter used. A shallow layer of litter may change of litter.


Depending on the size of your rabbit’s cage or hutch, you can make plans and set out days to carry out proper cleaning. Remember that cleaning doesn’t just keep the hutch clean and fresh and protects your bunny pet from contracting certain infections and diseases. So, if you truly love your rabbits, you’ll get up from that lazy couch and do what is right today.

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